Our new meeting place is located in: Lake Park, Florida 33403
In Hebrew:
For the address, please contact Rivkah (Reva) Lannaman at either of the following numbers:
+1 (314) 339-3475 (New cell phone text messages & WhatsApp)
Landline: 561-881-9171 (This # is still receiving calls, but the answering system is not working.)
Feel free to send Rivkah (Reva) your prayer requests, too!
Click HERE to read the full announcement!
Please feel free to contact us by phone, email, or mail. You are welcome to bring your young people to join our workshops—everyone is welcome! We have many who are willing to sponsor, mentor, and disciple our next generation. Come and see how we learn together. Jew and gentile, old and young, family and friends. One in the LORD! Shalom and Blessings—Rivkah (Reva)
School of the Major & Minor Prophets
Check back for the upcoming schedule. A lot of what we were doing before Covid-19 has been suspended until the end of 2022. We’re hoping to resume at our new Lake Park location that’s being renovated.
Workshop #103
For the NEW YEAR & PASSOVER PREPARATION, I’m praying for our sons and daughters to recognize Holy Spirit’s power.
Starting in this NEXT Biblical NEW YEAR & PASSOVER (March 2022), I would like to start a FREE series on each 6th double portion blessing & PREPARATION evening day.
WHEN: Thursdays at 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM.
We will be doing the following all together:
- Praise instruments and worship dance
- Rewriting worship songs from hymnals with reggae and calypso rhythm
- Holy Spirit interpretation of dreams & visions
Click here for Reva’s NEW UPDATED CONTACT INFO.
The Laws and the Prophets
Workshop #101
A deeper look at murder, stealing, envy, etc. Here are some of the acts of rebellion and lawlessness that the Torah warns G-D’s people about. (Come let us reason together says the Lord… ) We will discuss the laws we should still observe today and why.
Monthly Fundraiser Prayer & Brunch
Workshop #102
The theme is “Gleaning and Providing for Widows and Orphans.”
Adonai always looked out for those who were homeless and disenfranchised in society. If you would only TRUST His Word and look to Him for help.
Announcing to all community organizers and youth leaders…
We are a mixed group of professionals. Some with their Ph.D., Master’s, and BA/BS degrees. Most are believers in Elohim, Ruach Elohim, and Yahusha The Lamb of Elohim.
We are willing and able to tutor, mentor, counsel, and share our expertise with all who attend our workshops at the new Temple School of the Major & Minor Prophets.
Our first fundraising projects were silent auctions and a headdress contest. Our grand cash prize winner in both events was Ms. Louise Link.
As our missionary outreach is growing in Golden Lakes Village, we are learning how to embrace and come together as a spiritual family. We now see the need to change and adjust our schedule and prayer focus. During the next few months, we will only have our Sabbath Temple School. There we will worship, study The Word, and pray for salvation, healing, and deliverance from evil influences in our lives. There are too many dying without the knowledge of our Messiah, Redeemer and Savior.
In our previous Prayer Brunches, we were moved to pray for some of our GLV families who lost a family member to cancer, drugs, and other infirmities. We see so many families are suffering from poverty, depression, divorce, and have many needs. We invite those who wish to cry out to Abba for those who are hurting. We expect that our firm faith and confidence in our Father Yahuah, Yahusha and Ruach Holy Spirit will help all who need divine intervention.
Our Palm Beach County gleaning program allows us to do like Ruth and Naomi were able to do in the field of Boaz. Our Father G-D, Yahusha and Ruach Holy Spirit wants us to always take care of widows, orphans, and the poor in our sphere of influence. Each month, we are able to glean bags of free, fresh fruits and vegetables through the Palm Beach County Gleaning program.
Click HERE to contact Reva for updates.
Fee for ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP: $200 for the year
(We have sponsors, mentors, and scholarships for those who cannot afford to pay the annual fee of $200.) Sign up now!
Temple School of the Major & Minor Prophets
The Temple School of the Major & Minor Prophets first Prayer Brunch. The theme of our Prayer brunch is Gleaning, as was done by Boaz for the poor in The Book of Ruth. This is a picture of our first dramatic presentation of gleaning, as was done by Ruth in the field of Boaz. Elohim wants his family to take care of widows and orphans and those who are poor. He designed this method of gleaning for widows and the poor. At our school, we encourage those who can volunteer to participate with the local gleaning program in Palm Beach County. We have been blessed to participate with Cros Ministry and Jay ministry, who are able to offer fresh foods, fruits, and vegetables for our widows and orphans and our poor in GLV and local neighborhoods. |

GLV Temple Prayer Brunch on Sunday, March 10, 2019. These were able to beat daylight saving time. Some were absent as they probably overslept.

Golden Lakes Temple in West Palm Beach, FL
2nd month of Temple Workshops #101 Laws and the Prophets and #103 Biblical Hebrew with lots of fun activities and cash prizes for those who answer correctly!