Welcome to School of the Major & Minor Prophets
Empowered by Ruach Holy SpiritJoel 3 & Acts 2
Our new meeting place is located in Lake Park, Florida 33403
In Hebrew:
For the meeting place address, please contact Rivkah (Reva) Lannaman at either of the following numbers:
New cell phone for text messages & WhatsApp:
+1 (314) 339-3475
Landline: 561-881-9171
(This # is still receiving calls, but the answering system is not working.)
Email: jamaicanrecipeprophet@gmail.com
Feel free to send Rivkah (Reva) your prayer requests, too!
Click HERE to read the full announcement!
Monthly Fundraiser Prayer & Brunch
Workshop #102
For upcoming schedule:
Call: 561.881.9171
Email: jamaicanrecipeprophet@gmail.com
Each event features our mentors, Ruth, Naomi, and Boaz and also the Bible model of feeding the poor and taking care of widows and orphans.
Check back for the upcoming schedule for our Shabbat School of the Major & Minor Prophets.
Click here for more info.
Phase 2 Fundraising & Partnership Workshop #4
Click here for info!
When sending your donations and contributions via ZELLE, please use the following email:
Help support the “G-D FUND ME” Fundraiser for School of the Major & Minor Prophets!

Join us on our upcoming CRUISE RETREATS & MISSION TRIPS!
The School of the Major and Minor Prophets has launched a G-D FUND ME account to finance PHASE 2 of our VISION CRUISE MISSION TRIPS & THREE RETREAT HOMES
Please prayerfully consider supporting and possibly partnering with us in our PHASE 2 PROJECT!
We will be having:
Family Retreats for healing and deliverance sessions in our RETREAT HOMES OF SHALOM
"Jamaican Recipe for Fathers" is MY GIFT TO YOU.
My purpose for writing this memoir...
“Jamaican Recipe for Fathers” is to help all to know that our Eternal Father, His Beloved Son and Powerful Holy Spirit should be their example and role model, and to shine HIS light into the darkness of this world.
“Let US make man in OUR IMAGE after OUR LIKENESS!”
Gen. 1:26 (TLV)
When sending your donations and contributions via ZELLE, please use the following email:

with a request to be added to my email list. Thank you!
I write and share my stories…
because I would like to plant a seed in your heart and mind with the gift that my Heavenly Father has given me.
He’s called and gifted me to be a mentor, teacher, trainer and to pass on my skills to others.
Throughout my life, I have received from others in many ways. In these days, Ruach Holy Spirit is opening doors so that I will be able to give back to my community. I now belong to a community of skilled, gifted and knowledgeable seniors. We will be mentoring and training other generations with Holy Spirit excellence to transform lives for HIS KINGDOM.
Our Heavenly Father is able to do exceedingly above what we could ask or imagine with a seed. I have written my first three-part series book and am planting it as a seed. I need others to help water that seed, and then, together we will trust our Eternal Father to make it grow supernaturally.
Now he who plants and he who waters work as one, but each will receive his own reward according to his own labor.
1 Corinthians 3:8 (TLV)
A prophet is not without honor
except in his own town or country.
Here are two utterances of Yahusha about a prophet:
The first one: You must understand your vision.
You go where you are sent by Ruach.
If they do not receive you, shake the dust off your feet and go elsewhere.
The second one: You must know your mission.
We are all told to go to the Jew first and then to the Greeks.
All the prophets and our Savior went to the Jews first.
Prayer with Rivkah (Reva)
Your JamaicanRecipeProphet
Eternal Father, bless our land. Guide us with Your mighty hand. Keep us free from evil powers. Be our light through countless hours. To our leaders, Great Defender, grant true wisdom from above. Justice, truth be ours forever, Jamaica, land we love.
“The Jamaican National Anthem was a personal prayer in my heart while I lived as a teen in Jamaica. Many prophets in the Scriptures were identified by the place of their birth. Yahusha was of Nazareth. John was also of Nazareth, Paul was of Tarsus, etc. For those who have been empowered by Ruach Holy Spirit to prophecy (Acts 2 and Joel 3), it is necessary for them to be part of a school of prophets so that each prophet will sharpen the other. We also need to study all prophets in the Holy Bible. Our Savior Yahusha is our CHIEF example of a Prophet, Priest and King.”
—Your Jamaican Recipe Prophet
“So it will be afterward, I will pour out My Ruach on all flesh: your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Also on the male and the female servants will I pour out My Spirit in those days. I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth—blood, fire and pillars of smoke. The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and awesome day of Adonai comes. Then all who call on Adonai’s Name will escape, for on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem there will be rescue, as Adonai has said, among the survivors whom Adonai is calling.”
Tree of Life Version (TLV)