School of Major & Minor Prophets
For those interested in Registering for local classes in West Palm Beach at a Jewish temple:
Phase 1: To start our School we are considering having One-Day Classes on Sundays / First Day of the Week.
Please copy and paste the following questions in an email and send it with your answers to me at:
1. Would you be interested in attending our Sunday/First Day of the Week Classes in a Jewish temple?
2. Which class time on Sunday/ First Day of the Week would be the most convenient for you and your family? (A) 10:30 to noon (B) 1:45 PM to 3:45 PM or (C) 4:00 to 6:00 PM?
3. Would you be interested in a class combining drama, music, crafts, and dance as a sacrifice of praise unto our Almighty Creator Father Yahuah, Yahusha, and Ruach Holy Spirit?
4. Would you be willing to pay the Temple’s Annual Membership Fee between $150 to $250 for the entire year? The Jewish year begins the end of September 2018 (Hebrew year 5779)
5. Which of the classes would you be interested in attending:
(1) A literal study of the lives and manifestations of the Major and Minor Prophets in the entire Bible.
(2) Sunday School arts, crafts, dance, singing, music with Biblical Davidic worship styles.
(3) Biblical Hebrew writing, reading, singing, and also its numerical value in the Scriptures.
Thank you for your participation – I will respond to your email ASAP!
Rivkah (Reva)—Jamaican Recipe Prophet