A Word to the Wise...
from Rivkah (Reva)
Jamaican Recipe Prophet

The School of the Major and Minor Prophets is reaching out to ALL the residents who live in Golden Lakes Village (GLV) in West Palm Beach, Florida 33411
In this village, there are about 5,000 Jews and about 15,000 non-Jews. There is also a Jewish temple in GLV. The first residents in this community were mostly Jewish. Now, many non-Jews also reside in GLV.
The Ruach Holy Spirit has brought together brothers and sisters of faith in GLV. Some days, we are swimming, playing scrabble, attending concerts and shows put on by the residents. We also have a prayer and Bible Study group. We encourage and pray for all the residents in GLV. We desire to be a credible witness to all the residents.
This year as phase 1 of our outreach many of us paid $200 membership fee to join the temple. On Shabbat, we attend workshops and learn the Scriptures. There, we honor our Father in Heaven, His precious Ruach Holy Spirit and His Only Son Yahusha, who is The Lamb of Elohim, and Israel’s promised Savior and Messiah.
Our promised Messiah came to take away the consequences of Adam’s sin. Elohim told Adam he would “SURELY DIE” if he ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Consequently, every one of us born on this earth since Adam and Eve knows about death. We all now “surely die!” All living things, plants, animals and humans at some stage of life will experience death because Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. You can read about this in the Torah, in Genesis Chapters 1-4.
Our School of the Major and Minor Prophets has been reaching out to both Jews and Gentiles in Golden Lakes Village (GLV).
In the temple school, we read the SAME TORAH SCRIPTURES THAT ARE READ IN THE TEMPLE. During the services, the Torah is read in the ORIGINAL LANGUAGE OF HEBREW, just like Yahusha, the disciples, Moses, Elijah, and Elisha; they too ALL READ THE TORAH AND SCRIPTURES IN THE TEMPLE.
In our Temple School, we allow the FULL COUNSEL of RUACH HOLY SPIRIT. To those who wait on Ruach Holy Spirit, He REVEALS to us OUR MESSIAH AND SAVIOR, who is also The LAMB OF ELOHIM IN THE TORAH.
We are seeing the “signs of the times and the handwriting is on the wall.” Most of the prophecies in the Torah and Original Testimony have already been fulfilled. Now we see the end time prophecy of Israel becoming a nation and the rebuilding of the THIRD temple.
We ALSO KNOW THE TIME OF THE anti-Messiah/Christ is NEAR. Therefore, all believers need to find a way to come together, pool our resources, store fresh foods, and prepare to help each other survive the HARD DAYS TO COME!
Shalom—I’m Rivkah (Reva), your
Phone 561-881-9171 please leave a message and I will be sure to return your call